How one girl keeps getting jobs in the veterinary field is astonishing to me. She’s both abused shelter/hospital drugs in the premises and tried to sell such drugs. She was fired both times and keeps getting these jobs, she’ll do it again. Hides in plain sight because she cried a lot, puts on the face and is attractive. So what, this blonde gets a free pass because you don’t know how to properly vet someone? I know your field has a high turnover rate because of low pay.but how desperate can one be? Right Rowley? Salem did their part as did the other. What’s your excuse? Disgusting. Watch out for that anesthesia ASAP.
Yep. I know a woman who's made the rounds of pet groomers even though she's a fucking alcoholic, bar skank, and noted powder sniffer. Loses one job, gets another one doing the same thing, grooming animals. Loses that one, bitches about it, does a few lines and whatever else she's into, and, gets another grooming job. Thinks she's this hot thing, but she's not. Just a bar skank who keeps getting hired by unsuspecting groomers. anonymous 2 days ago
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anonymous 2 days ago