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hearing a hate mob on christmas with death threats? on christmas?? come on dude wtf man,, hearing "pokemon" "pedo" bruh what is going on,, idk if i am also hearing this amount of death threats out my house right now,, like wtf the neighbours aren't complaining abt it??? "rating pokemon" idk shit abt the pokemon fandom,, wtf is going on??
these ppl be lying and shit when they threatened my damn life mf and now they telling everybody they fiddles with crocodile tears because they sorry they got caught,, manipulative bs,,, not all people gonna believe this bs,,
and damn???? why they so pressed about it??? its a year over now??? they mad because shit has consequences,, screaming and being petty for a whole year, aint people gonna get tired of the same old story?? they focused on new drama and not your bullshit, stay mad,, screaming is gonna hurt your throat and you gon lose your damn voice, i mean that would shut you up for a while,, and at this point YOU need therapy too if you shoutin about it maybe your projecting a bit, be nice to other neighbours who aint involved, i thought this was neighbourhood watch i thought they done report your ass for disturbance of the public,, yall do it everyday at this point,, dam chihuahua BARK BARK BARK bitch, move the fuck on since i moved the fuck on too, you can do so much to cry about it to people to sell your story but it gets old after a while, and realise not many people give a fuck what happened past a year and dealing with their own damn lives, shit i got my own issues and you should done got over it by now,, because i myself have PTSD and working through it through therapy,, goddamn whining about it all the time stunts your mental maturity,, i deal with fucking pain too but i dont scream on the top of my lungs everyday yall doing this on a CHRISTMAS NIGHT??? damn bitch?? hope you got damn coal for you whining so much,, idk how your family deal with that much racket, take your own advice and grow the FUCK up??
bitch they now quiet once i actually start talking, you lucky you got friends who aint got a mind of their own, maybe they'll realize one day how immature your acting and live a better life, you made yourself miserable on christmas night by screaming about past drama, whiny bitch all bark no bite dumbass, little fucking annoying fruit flies buzzing around dont do shit but so easily hurt when i squash them, taste your own medicine, i aint from your school no more why you still mad? your hair gonna fall out and give yourself hypertension with so much damn anger all the time sheesh, more white hairs than you momma by now, the thing you complaining that i dont care is looking for pathetic excuses at this point, cope, meanwhile im being the bigger man and ignoring yall pests, fucking hungry for attention, all yall are just a bunch of fake bitches and real ones realize how petty you are, go find a new goddamn hobby

dog Miscellaneous December 26, 2022 at 4:11 pm 1

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