best dating

I do not want a girl

I do not want a girl

I do not want a fucking girl.

So don’t feed me the fucking bullshit about my history. My history is that I have never wanted a fucking girl. Don’t fucking tell me you’re going to prove me a liar because that motherfucker no piece of fucking shit broadcasting moron is ever going to be able to do.

I do not want a motherfucking girl. I never fucking did and I never fucking will.

And there is absolutely no fucking reason for me to have to tolerate a motherfucking bag of fucking shit like Ron Dann or any motherfucking loser tell me that I do want one.

And I do not want a fucking thing to do with Josee plante. Not a fucking thing. And don’t tell me that it doesn’t matter that I was accusing her. It does fucking matter that I was accusing her. And it matters because it means that I was not wanting her. I was not wanting her when I was accusing her in 2002. It’s 2024 now and I still don’t want her.

And it matters that I was not wanting her because it means that she did not break my heart. And it matters that I was not wanting her because it means that there is nothing to get over.

And I am not the one that is out of touch with reality. And I am not the one that does not get it. So you fucking stupid motherfucking broadcasting fucking idiots can kiss my fucking ass.

That’s right you broadcasting motherfucking morons…. Kiss my fucking ass.

No fucking industry of fucking imbeciles is going to invade my fucking privacy and infringe my fucking rights and run their mouths off about me wanting some motherfucking bitch.

Fuck you, cnn! Fuck you, cnn!

Fuck you, you colossal fucking morons!

I do not want a fucking girl and I do not have to go back to school to know that.

And you motherfucking broadcasting garbage have no fucking right to invade my privacy and I do not need to go back to fucking school to know that either.

You motherfucking bags of fucking shit have no fucking idea what you’re talking about and I am fucking fed up with being forced to listen to you.

And you broadcasting maggots in Detroit can suck my fucking dick.

I do not want a fucking girl. And I am suing you motherfucking pieces of fucking shit.

And those absolute motherfucking imbeciles at Blackburn radio aren’t right about a fucking thing. Total god damned fucking morons like Ron dann have never been right about anything in their entire fucking lives.

You are invading my motherfucking privacy and that is a fucking crime. So you can take your mental illness garbage and shove it up the fucking ass of that total motherfucking idiot swaminath.

What a total motherfucking idiot swaminath is.

And the fucking rcmp can kiss my fucking ass. I am fucking fed up with being to.d I want josee plante. And I am fucking fed with being falsely accused of stalking that hideous fucking woman.

I am not to.erati g this shit anymore.

I do not want a fucking girl. And I am not goi g to tolerate anyone telling me that I want a girl. No one has the fucking right to tell me I want a girl. And no one is going to make my life about some worthless motherfucking bitch.

I am fucking suing you fucking cunts. Don’t bother telling me that I don’t know what I’m talking about? I don’t want a fucking bitch.

I don’t want a fucking bitch.

I am not tolerating you fucking worthless god damned fucking idiots and your fucking retarded bullshit.

Fuck you.

And to you stupid pathetic motherfucking cunts… good fucking luck!

I am fucking suing every fucking one of you fucking cunts.

And Trudeau…. Kiss my fucking ass!

Kiss my fucking ass, you motherfucking worthless fucking garbage.

William Miscellaneous April 01, 2024 at 8:49 am 0
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