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motherfucking cop

motherfucking cop

That motherfucking cop is a SEE NO REALITY, HEAR NO REALITY, LIVE IN NO REAL WORLD kind of guy!

And I can't wait to have that maggot take the stand and get grilled!

Ever see the movie MAKING A KILLING? If you have then you know the scene I'm talkin about. And if you haven't, well let me tell you about it.

In this scene a state investigator is talking to a local sheriff about a murder that has been committed. The state investigator asks the sheriff if he's going to get in his way. The sheriff responds that he's not going to get in the way of the state investigator, but he's not going to help the state investigator either. The state investigator responds: I can work with that!

Well, if you fucking morons on the Sarnia Police Service don't want to help me then you better not get in my fucking way either! I AM GOING TO GET JUSTICE! So if you corrupt fucks do not want to do your jobs then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY AND LET ME DO IT MYSELF!

William David Duke Miscellaneous February 24, 2024 at 4:31 pm 1
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