best dating

too bad

I don't give a damn about what you think you're correct about. I don't give a fucking damn about what you think you're proving yourself correct about! I don't give a fucking damn! I am not going to stand for being stalked by a motherfucking piece of fucking shit. And I am not going to stand for being dismissed as mentally ill by the Sarnia Police Service or anyone else.

And I am the only one who gets to say whether I want a female or not. And I am saying that I do not want a female! So the fucking piece of fucking shit that thinks he/she can speak on my behalf can shut the fuck up. I am not going to tolerate having some motherfucking bag of shit running his/her mouth off about me wanting something or someone I do not fucking want!

I am not a stalker! I am not stalking anyone and I was not stalking Josee Plante!

I have absolutely no interest in Josee Plante and anyone who thinks or says otherwise is mistaken.

And you are perpetrating a crime against me and I am going to have my own way. You are going to be arrested and you are going to stand trial. You are going to be convicted and you are going to the penitentiary. And I am not interested in who you think you are. I am not interested in your reasons for perpetrating your crime and I sure as fuck am not interested in why you think what you're doing is not a crime. As a matter of fact I am not interested in a fucking word you have to say.

William Miscellaneous April 21, 2024 at 3:53 pm 0
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